The Solo Introvert

5 Solo date ideas for beginners

Whether you have been living life solo for a while, or are new to doing things on your own, it can feel a bit daunting. No one will come up to you in a restaurant to point out that you’re eating alone, but we may still feel a bit awkward about it, so conditioned that things need to be done with friends or partners. 

Your goal may be to travel the world, go to concerts, or indeed going to beautiful restaurants, but if you’re just beginning, you may want some solo date ideas. 

Not only will we get you some fun, easy solo data ideas, we want to get you excited about taking yourself on a date. No more hiding behind Netflix, no more same take out every time: you’re amazing and you don’t need company to go out!

The coffee shop date

Simple, straightforward, and possibly something you already do: taking yourself for a coffee (and treat!).

What’s important here is that you don’t just get your usual black coffee in take-away cup and run off to do whatever you had on your to do list. 

It’s a date: take your time, pay attention, and treat yourself a little. Have a seat in the cafe and enjoy your drink. You can people watch, or bring a book or ereader to give yourself something to do. 

If you start feeling awkward or as if you take up too much space: acknowledge the feeling, take a deep breath, and say (mentally) to yourself: I am allowed to be here. I am allowed to enjoy myself just as much as anyone else.

picnic for one

Park & a picnic

You may be no stranger to going for a walk, but similar as the coffee date, let’s elevate the experience, and take a mindful moment to hang out with ourselves. 

Make or buy yourself a nice little lunch or some snacks, and take them with you on your walk. You can go full out picnic with blanket and all, great for sunny days, or find yourself a bench with a view and enjoy. 

Again, you can bring your book or puzzle if you wish, just take in the view, or journal about the experience. I can promise you that if people are around, they won’t blink an eye. 

The Cinema Trip

Ugh, Milou, isn’t the cinema the standard for first dates?

Yes, and I have no idea why. In my opinion it’s completely unsuitable as you shut up and stare at a screen for two hours, ignoring your date. But that’s just my opinion. 

It is, however, the perfect solo date for beginners. Why? No one will pay attention to you, they’re here for the film. Also, it’s dark, so even if they wanted to (and they don’t) they can’t!

You get to see something on the big screen that you’ll probably like (you got to choose after all!) and it’s a different environment from your own Netflix/Disney +/HBO/Hulu/How many do you have?/Prime experience.

If you have the opportunity you could choose to go for daytime showings when there are less people. I’ve managed to get almost private viewings this way, turns out Monday midday just isn’t that popular!

The common theme here is again: invest in yourself. Yes, it’s more expensive than sitting at home – but it’s about showing up for yourself, and proving that you’re worth it. Actions really do speak louder than words. 

Attend a free event

Yes, I just made the case for investing in yourself, and I still stand by it. That doesn’t mean you always have to spend money to invest though. 

Attending a free event around you is a fun way to get out of your comfort zone and get involved with your local community. Go in open minded and you may get to chatting with people, or keep yourself at a distance, it’s all up to you.

Great places that usually hold free (or low entry fee) events are:

  • The Library
  • Bookshops
  • Coffee Cafes
  • Art & Nature Centres
  • Local Council

Let me know of any others I should add to the list!

farmers market

Go to a farmer’s market or street fair

Visiting a farmer’s market or street fair is a great solo date that doesn’t feel like one. Let yourself get distracted by all the foods and items on offer, and buy some treats that you fancy. 

The difference between grocery shopping and a solo date here is that you really let yourself peruse and enjoy the experience, and take in the environment. If you’re only rushing through to tick off the items that you have on your list (or the fact that you brought a list) then it’s probably more of a chore than a date.

Set your intentions

The point of going out on your own isn’t just that you do something. It’s about feeling comfortable with yourself, and that you let go of any perceived judgement.

If your new to adventuring alone, going in with the wrong mindset will set you up for a bad time. If you keep thinking you won’t enjoy this alone: you definitely won’t. 

It’s something new, so of course you may not like it, but maybe you will! Being open to the experience and letting go of whatever thoughts you have about doing it will allow you to really be in the moment.

And remember: practice makes perfect. It may feel a bit uncomfortable in the beginning, but the more often you take yourself out, the less you’ll think about others and the more you’ll enjoy your own company!

Don’t believe me? Read my experience on going to a concert on my own, and my tips for having a good time.

Welcome to
The Solo Introvert!

I’m Milou, and I’m a solo introvert, but that’s not stopping me! Here at The Solo Introvert you’ll learn all about embracing yourself, exploring, and living life to the fullest, labels be damned! Read more…




